Comprehensive and accessible overview of clinical psychopathology not found anywhere else
Illustrates key principles of psychopathology with examples drawn from a wide source, including fiction, autobiography and clinical textbooks
Fully updated throughout, taking account of advances in the understanding of cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology, revised legislation, changing classificatory concepts and evolving cultural aspects of psychiatry
Improved presentation, including new chapter and key point summaries, will help those searching for quick information without losing the rich writing style for which the book is so well known and appreciated
Now comes with complementary access to the complete, downloadable eBook version, providing an enhanced learning experience and increased utility in practice. Additional, fully integrated electronic resources include:
Patient interview scenarios exploring key themes (videos with transcripts)
Author podcasts (audio) to expand and clarify core topics
Interactive question and answer sections for each chapter, to test your understanding and aid revision of essential areas
By: Femi Oyebode
Paperback: 400 pagesPublisher: Saunders Ltd.; 5 edition (October 17, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0702055565
ISBN-13: 978-0702055560
This is the standalone Ebook and may not include access codes that come packaged with the bound book
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