Les référentiels des Collèges



Advanced Methods And Tools for ECG Data Analysis

Here's a cutting-edge, practical book that offers you a thorough understanding of state-of-the-art techniques for electrocardiogram (ECG) data analysis. Placing emphasis on the selection, modeling, classification, and interpretation of data based on advanced signal processing and artificial intelligence techniques, the book helps you design, implement, and evaluate software systems used for the analysis of ECG and related data. You learn how to mathematically characterize and model ECG signals to facilitate their acquisition and processing. The book offers you detailed guidance on pre-processing tasks, such as noise filtering, and covers the extraction of important diagnostic features from the ECG. You discover how to classify ECG data for decision support tasks, including clinical diagnosis. Including over 190 illustrations and more than 300 equations, the book offers a solid grounding in the relevant basics of physiology, data acquisition and database design, and addresses the practical issues of improving existing data analysis methods and developing new applications. Additionally, this comprehensive resource explains open source software and databases for signal processing, system testing and hardware acquisition.
Relié: 399 pages Editeur : Artech House Publishers; Édition : 1 (1 novembre 2006) Langue : Anglais ISBN-10: 1580539661 ISBN-13: 978-1580539661
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