Les référentiels des Collèges




Volume . Churchill's Pocketbook of DIABETES

The incidence of diabetes is increasing at epidemic proportions worldwide, presenting a huge challenge to modern medicine. In response, scientific advances in the understanding of diabetes and its complications are being translated into improved clinical practice at ever faster rates. Greater understanding of aetiopathogenesis of the different types of diabetes, the emerging roles of novel pharmacological agents and the importance placed on multidisciplinary team working and multi-risk-factor treatment all contribute to this.
Now in a fully revised second edition, this clear, concise guide to modern diabetes and its management will prove invaluable to all health professionals in this field

Volume . Churchill's Pocketbook of Surgery

The Fifth Edition of this highly-praised and bestselling pocketbook continues to deliver a concise and didactic account of the essential features of all common surgical disorders. The book covers fundamental principles as well as providing basic information on aetiology, diagnosis and management, including pre-operative and post-operative care. The text includes an overview of history-taking, relevant physical signs, differential diagnosis, investigations and practical treatment.
The book provides comprehensive coverage of general surgery but in addition covers the basic needs of the medical student and those in the early years of postgraduate training as far as the surgical specialities are concerned.

Volume . Churchill's Pocketbook of Intensive Care

Organisational issues. Introduction to intensive care. Basic principles. Cardiovascular system. Respiratory system. Gastrointestinal system. Renal system. Metabolic and endocrine problems. Overdose, poisoning and drug abuse. Haematological problems. Brain injury, neurological and neuromuscular problems. Trauma. Infection and inflammation. The postoperative and obstetric patient. Practical procedures. End of life issues. Appendices
Intensive care:

Volume . Churchill's Pocketbook of GENERAL PRACTICE

This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is a concise, easy-to-refer-to handbook of common conditions seen in general practice and how to treat them. Each condition is discussed in a standard way that will be familiar to most GPs – assessment, including history and examination, and management. Throughout the book there are ‘alert’ boxes (marked with an exclamation point!) as well as helpful hints and ‘useful tips’, set off in boxes. This edition is completely up to date with the very latest information and includes national guidelines on treating major diseases seen in primary care. There are also new Quality and Outcomes Framework features.
General practice:

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