Comprehensive and complete, Shackelford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract delivers the definitive, clinically oriented, cutting-edge guidance you need to achieve optimal outcomes managing the entire spectrum of gastrointestinal disorders. Make effective use of the latest endoscopic, robotic, and minimally invasive procedures as well as medical therapies with unbeatable advice from a "who’s who" of international authorities!
- Find expert answers to any clinical question in gastrointestinal surgery, from the esophagus to the colon.
- See exactly what to look for and how to proceed from an abundance of beautifully detailed intraoperative and laparoscopic photographs.
- Shorten patient recovery time and lessen surgical risks using the latest minimally invasive and robotic techniques, including natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery, endoscopic plication for gastrointestinal reflux disease, and much more.
- Achieve total patient management by applying the newest pharmacologic treatments, including new drugs to be used alongside surgical therapies.
- Personalize treatments for IBD, cancer, and other inherited disorders with therapies based on genomics and proteomics.
- Take full advantage of the most recent advances in immunosuppression for transplant patients.
- Effectively treat diseases of the GI Tract with a comprehensive overview of both the basic science and the clinical information associated with surgery in this area.
- Access Shackelford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract anywhere on any device. The full text and illustrations of this comprehensive two-volume work are available online via Expert Consult.
A clinically oriented, encyclopedic surgical review of all matters that concern the alimentary tract
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